Tuesday 5 February 2013

Think About Tink

Solo, February 5th 2013.

To : Tink, Pixie Hollow, Neverland.

Hi Tink, I haven’t seen you in a while. No, it’s a long long time actually. How’s life? I hope you’re no longer bad behaving.

I want to know, who’s your crush now? Terence or Peter Pan? I prefer Terence, because Pan is too old, even if he’s living in Neverland, where he’ll never grow up. But while you’re choosing who’s the one, don’t forget to keep them both as your very bestfriend :)

Uhm actually Tink, i think i had a crush on somebody. I say this is crush because I’m not sure if it’s love. It’s kinda new. Like I never felt this before. But you’d feel the same thing if you had a crush on someone now, wouldn’t you? I let many chances gone all times. I always afraid of breaking someone’s heart, for fear of someone would broke mine too. Somehow I feel like this crush was love. And if it is, I’ll stick up for it. But how do I know if it’s love?

Oh my little green sugary, can you gimme a pouch of pixie dust? Fly me up! I want to stalk and see if this person feel the same way as I am. But I think he’s not. Because I’ve broke something. You’re really good in fixing, Tink. So, this is what i’ve broke, a situation. Can you teach me how to fix it?

Ah. How selfish I am. I forgot to ask about Pixie Hollow’s denizens! I miss them soooo much! Terence (again! but no i had no crush on him), Fawn, Blaze, Rosetta, Iridessa, Silvermist, Clank, Bobble, Fairy Mary, Queen Clarion and All Season’s Minister. Please send my love for them all. Oh ya, and Vidia too! I can barely wait for the new story from Pixie Hollow. Please reply my letter, Tink :)

Warmest regards,
The girl who always wants to hear a tickling bell in her sleeps.

(originally posted in avirosas.tumblr.com by @avirosas for #30HariMenulisSuratCinta Challenge 2013 by @PosCinta)

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