Saturday 30 September 2017

Looking at The Alpha Female

Hari di mana aku biasanya melihat lagi seminggu kemarin punya progress apa aja, milestone nya sampai di mana. Baik buat self-development, maupun hal-hal lain yang melekat dengan itu. Ujung-ujungnya sih banyak menyesal karena ini-itu, salah satunya minggu ini merasa punya creative block yang dibuat sendiri. But when bad thoughts came, the good follows. 

Di notes handphone ku, ada beberapa ide cerita yang pengen dikembangkan jadi bahan latihan nulis. Tapi ide-ide nya terbentur dengan tembok paling tinggi "lho skripsi nya belum selesai kok nulis blog?". Ketakutan ku yang bodoh karena premisnya nggak nyambung. Nulis ya nulis aja. Tapi hari ini bukan mau ngomongin itu. I've been interested in the Alpha-Female subject, why? Tell you later.

Aku suka nonton film, The Intern adalah salah satu film yang menurut aku menarik buat self-reflecting. Beberapa waktu lalu, HBO menayangkan film The Intern ini lagi. Who's never been watching this movie? If you haven't, try watch it. The Intern rilis di tahun 2015, genre nya American Comedy dengan lead actor Anne Hathaway dan Robert de Niro. Plot singkatnya 70 year old Ben (Robert De Niro) just retired from his job, and he got bored of his everyday old-man life. So when he found there's an internship opportunity at About The Fit, an e-commerce fashion start up in town, he decided to give a shot. There's where he met Jules (Anne Hathaway), the CEO of About The Fit. No they're not shared a romantic love story here, but life wisdom, I can say.

Nah, si Jules ini nih, adalah salah satu gambaran Alpha-Female, menurut ku. I really am adoring Alpha-Female figures. It's not always a picture of strong cheekbones, or a ruling speech. For me it's always been the other side of independent, smart and bold Alpha-Female, there lies big decisions in life and it always require the act of love. I just keep myself amazed on how Alpha-Female figures (in movies, and some girls / woman I've met) keep their balance in life. Di film The Intern, Jules' picturing a woman with dedication towards her dream, how she managed to run the company in her own ways and other responsibilites that follows her as a woman; in that movie as a mom and a wife, through a relax and goofy personality. And boom, somehow it's explodes, just like how Miranda (Meryl Streep) couldn't handle her tears of confussion in The Devil Wears Prada (2006). They have the gentle spot that somehow for me have been mistaken by a "woman weakness" while actually all human can be fragile as well, not just us girls.

Di film lain, banyak banget picture of Alpha-Female picture yang menurut aku "girls should look up to"; misalnya kayak tokoh Mrs. Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) di The Blind Side (2009), Skeeter (Emma Stone) di The Help (2011), Katherine-Dorothy-Mary (Taraji  P. Henson, Octaivia Spencer & Janelle Monae) di Hidden Figures (2016) or maybe these Disney Princesses like Mulan, Merida and Moana? And if many people think talking about Alpha-Female is always goes to gender equality topic, I don't think so. It's more about a fuel to drive a woman to do what she chose to live, in responsibility, in a balanced portion according to herself. For me, those Alpha-Female figures were shown for a self-reflection.

It's not that I aim to speak that girls should creating themselves one Alpha-Female shield, let's say to cover when people pointed at them "oh of course you need no man, you're an Alpha". Jadi ingat sewaktu diskusi bareng mbak Djenar Maesa Ayu dan mas Kan Lume di Pesta Film Solo #7 bulan Mei kemarin, keduanya setuju kalo ngomongin woman voice itu bukan berarti bilang kalo perempuan harus punya posisi yang higher than man kok, and anyway, it's always better when their ideas are collaborated, right? Once again, it's never about comparing this type to another type of woman or man. For me, Alpha-Female is an attitude of Queen that is capable to managed the world she lives in. Like this one poem written by Nikita Gill;

Screenshoting this from her instagram

And here I supposed to tell you why I've been interested to this subject. So actually I heard some opinions about woman being independent, performing a good leadership skill, and all in doubting voices. Some even said that those factors made Kingless-Queens. Well I think that's a different story. What makes a woman Alpha-Female Queen has nothing to do with that.

It's always been in her own self.
