Saturday 18 January 2014

New Page : On The Go

I've finally moved all the #30HariMenulisSuratCinta 2013 letters from my tumblr!
Hooray to that!

If you want to read those letters, you can find it on the 2013 Archive here :)

A little flashback stroke me when i'm moving it. I giggled and smiled to myself, I even feel "gosh it was so cheesy!". But by doing the challenge i find that I'm a real real human. Like, my feeling changes everyday, i can be really poetic, then i post applesauce writings another day.
I started the challenge building "upset feeling" in my letter by remembering things that broke me down, you know, some people said "sad people write". But in the journey i found that love letters isn't always about the love i've missed or the love that i'm dreaming of.
Letter isn't always about a thing or a person that wasn't here, i mean, i can send my letter to anyone besides me and it feels greater.

Well, you might found the letter that really means nothing, that was a time when i'm stuck and really don't know if there's a good thing to put on my letter. But at the end of the day, i know that i have to write something, anything (God why i can't have this thought everyday outside the challenge thing?).
The sad thing is when i re-read it, i didn't feel the same way as i write the letters that time. But changing is normal, especially when time is taking a part.

The challenge last year -which is my first year- was really fun, wake up in the morning and had to write the letter right away while i have no idea. Sometimes I woke up late realize I don't have time to post a letter and send it to the postman, but i have to done that, because they won't read a letter after 6PM and I usually came home at 5PM or more. There's a time when i save my letter in draft and post it tomorrow or bring my laptop to school, lol i was very intent, thanks to Bosse and Pos Cinta team for that.

Maybe some of you will looking for some dates missing. Yep we didn't post our letter on blog every Friday, cause Friday is the day of anonymous letter. So it's the job of our postman to deliver it and keep the sender in secret. I got my anonymous letter re-posted twice you might read it here, but you have to find which one is mine cause a secret remains a secret :p
Few of my daily letter also has been re-posted by Pos Cinta on their project blog but I forgot which one too, just read their blog and you'd go through amazing love letters from all over country.
I also couldn't keep myself focus on several things in a time so I didn't post a letter some days, and I intend to fix it this year -Amen to that. This year's challenge started at 1 February 2014. I gotta prepare this brand new blog and signing up ASAP. And i hope i could bring nicer letters to you people, cause next month would be one of the busiest.

Wish me luck

As excited as Sugar Rush Princess,