Thursday 29 March 2018

My Acne Story: About #YourBeautyRules Campaign

Hello, dear friends.
Kali ini mau nulis topik yang agak beda, kayaknya di twitter pun hampir nggak pernah ngomongin soal ini. It's not private, but it's a thing that somehow I'm not comfortable to to talk about, skin condition.

So everyone would've known (if you're my real life friends, hi) that I have acne-prone skin. It started from the day people pointed out that I would be rich if I'd mine the oils from my face. You know, junior high school (lame) jokes. I didn't mind that, actually, the oily face.
But I think the drama inside my theatre of mind started when I begin to realize that the acne-time has come, kelas delapan seingatku. So long story short, I can't remember precisely but I guess I've been friends with acnes since 2009, it's 2018 now and I'm still trying to cope with it, you do the math :)

At some points of my (teenage) life, jerawat ini pernah jadi perkara banget. Bikin insecure, bikin ngga pede, macem-macem lah. We all have that one time, I suppose. Ada beberapa pemikiran yang kemudian berubah, we'll get to that later.