Thursday 29 March 2018

My Acne Story: About #YourBeautyRules Campaign

Hello, dear friends.
Kali ini mau nulis topik yang agak beda, kayaknya di twitter pun hampir nggak pernah ngomongin soal ini. It's not private, but it's a thing that somehow I'm not comfortable to to talk about, skin condition.

So everyone would've known (if you're my real life friends, hi) that I have acne-prone skin. It started from the day people pointed out that I would be rich if I'd mine the oils from my face. You know, junior high school (lame) jokes. I didn't mind that, actually, the oily face.
But I think the drama inside my theatre of mind started when I begin to realize that the acne-time has come, kelas delapan seingatku. So long story short, I can't remember precisely but I guess I've been friends with acnes since 2009, it's 2018 now and I'm still trying to cope with it, you do the math :)

At some points of my (teenage) life, jerawat ini pernah jadi perkara banget. Bikin insecure, bikin ngga pede, macem-macem lah. We all have that one time, I suppose. Ada beberapa pemikiran yang kemudian berubah, we'll get to that later.

Nah setahun belakangan, aku lumayan sering nontonin video di kanal Youtube Female Daily Network. Awal-awal nonton, aku sering nonton nya rubrik (ceilah rubrik) Skin Care 101 with Affi Assegaf. Mau itu konten yang ngebahas skin care problem kayak yang aku alami atau engga, suka aja nonton kak Affi ngejelasin dengan detail. I find it educative & beneficial meskipun kadang ngga ngerti-ngerti amat, but it's the part of learning process.

Lama-kelamaan jadi suka nontonin video FDN yang lain-lain nya juga. Apalagi video yang ada Kak Imani sama Kak Oday. Seru sendiri kalo nonton. Tapi bukan ini sih yang bikin pengen membagi acne story. Jadi Female Daily Network punya campaign baru namanya #YourBeautyRules. Lewat salah satu video campaign nya, kru FDN ngomongin soal body condition sampe selera make up setiap orang yang beda-beda and how we should embrace it. Which is I agree. Here's the video if you haven't watched it yet.

Nah, what I'd like to underline is, kadang hal-hal tentang diri kita yang bikin kita insecure itu dateng dari luar. Celetukan-celetukan dari orang-orang. Baru kemarin, ngobrol sama dua temen yang lagi punya skin problem. Mereka cerita kalo nggak pede gara-gara komentar orang di sekitarnya,

"Masa aku dibilangin gini, 'Kok habis facial muka mu jadi kotor sih?', kan jadi tambah nggak pede.."

"Temenku bilang 'Kok malah tambah parah? Jangan-jangan nggak cocok deh kamu, kamu ngga perawatan di XXX, sih.' Rasanya waktu dia ngomong pengen aku suruh diem, dia kan ngga ngerti kita udah ngusahain gimana."

I've been there too. It's sad that what makes the skin problem becoming the head or even heart problem, is the society. Our society. Mungkin kalau emang temen di sekitar kita merasa 'sah' kali ya buat nyeletuk-nyeletuk kayak yang di atas. Mungkin bermaksud baik, tapi menyampaikan nya kayaknya nggak gitu juga. Because personally, I don't think a person is always in a good condition to accept critics (meski celetukan itu bukan kritik, sih). Gimana kalo lagi punya hal penting lain yang dipikirin? Atau yang tadinya fine-fine aja jadi kehilangan self-confidence?

Di waktu lain, pernah waktu itu lagi mengalami jerawat yang meradang. Tiba-tiba pas ngeluarin motor di parkiran tempat makan, si bapak penjaga parkiran bilang, "Pakai obat XXX mbak. Manjur itu.", terus ku tanya balik lah untuk memastikan apakah si bapak bicara pada ku, "Pripun, pak?". "Jerawatnya itu lho mbak.", "Oh.. nggih pak.". Sepanjang jalan pulang mikirin antara si bapak emang sebaik itu merekomendasikan sesuatu, atau emang jerawat di pipi ini semeradang itu *insert crying + laughing emoji here*.

Terus suatu ketika, pas lagi dateng ke wisudaan, beli pulsa di dalem kampus. Ibu yang jual pulsa bilang, "Loh kok sekarang jewaratan to mbak?". Padahal baru sekali itu beli pulsa di situ, atau mungkin aku mirip orang lain, tapi dia tidak berjerawat, jadi si Ibu kaget? *tolong masukkan emoji yang sama*.

Don't get me wrong, yes it pisses me off for a second, yet it's funny how I found those"celetukan-celetukan" coming from unexpected directions. Not to mention the other comments I've been receiving these years since I was in junior high school up until I'm reaching the age of 22.

Terus hubungan nya sama hobi nonton video FDN tadi apa, vik? Karena kakak-kakak di video itu showing the good vibes towards their own skin condition, even in many videos before #YourBeautyRules campaign, aku jadi kebawa juga. Accepting what's there in my skin dan malahan rasanya jadi makin membaik. I think what's good now is my relationship with my own skin. They taught me that I am the one who knows it well so let the comment be a comment, that anything people say to me doesn't make me any less prettier to my liking.

Nyeletuk tentang body, skin, style, is common in our society but let's stop it. Play lagi deh video campaign  #YourBeautyRules nya. It's like a reminder to myself as well, kalau-kalau aja aku juga nyeletukin orang lain dengan 'format' yang berbeda. This campaign is few voices of so many. And it tells us that we all have our own identities, our own beauty rules, that beauty doesn't define only by one parameter.

Most importantly it promotes that each and every one of us can chose what we like to define the word 'beauty'. So you, the one who read this blog post, you can start it now if you haven't, embracing #YourBeutyRules.


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