Friday, 30 May 2014


First thing first, I thank Gogirl! magazine for bringing RI (Republik Indonesia) issue for their May edition.

I remember when my dad asked me if the major i choose is under social and political science faculty. He said, "Don't be too political." It's not that my dad dislikes political things, I guess media just constructed his mind too much. Ya kno, many kinds of media are more often proclaim bad news than a good one. But studying media as the main object 'forced' me to more concern about both good and bad substances, including political issues. And the more I care, the more I feel like my brain's lack of political knowledge. Lucky me, I surrounded by knowledgeable environment. They bring this issue in a chitchat so I feel it less onerous.

It's not that I'm getting more political now, believe me I'm the girl who never sit on front-row seat in politics class. But I do care about the real situation. I used to think it's because next July will be my first time voting for President Election, so may be all teens at my age feel the same way. Until I had some convo before the Legislative Election  last April. One of them was this,
Me: Don't forget to use your vote tomorrow, guys!
Le friend(s): Not interesting... We don't even know which one is better than another
Me: But at least you'd use it in a proper way
Le friend: I bet you're one of those Executive Board Student kiddos.

At that point, I swallow these words into my throat, "You don't even have to be a college student to care about your nation's future. You only need to be a human." I won't blame their sceptical mindset for thinking that way, then again it might be they didn't see any good side. They missed the good news. I see that many of my people are losing hope, and it leads to apathy.

Gogirl! RI issue / Little Things We Do for Indonesia

That's why I thank Gogirl! Magazine for reducing that possibility. I personally think we need media to boost not only our political knowledge but also new sight to see the future in a better way. People might say that if a magazine brings political issue that's may be because it's a trend. Well what so ever. For me what they've done is a movement to open up the reader's eyes; raise awareness in our society. I boost my trust with good news, I followed Good News from Indonesia updates on twitter (@GNFI). I imagine if the next leader of my nation can grow the amount of that good news. I imagine that someday when those good news is posted by foreign media, the new leaders will read that and work harder for not disappointing their people who has been working really hard for that good news.
Quoting Pandji from his interview with Gogirl! magazine, "If you dislike politics, I understand. But if you don't care about it, I'm confused. You have to care first. Why so? Because all decisions that concerning your life, decided by politicians." Slapped much? Either do I. If my friend say they won't use their voice and feel okay if bad people use their vote, I usually say "Don't guff about government policy, then." I didn't think that far, what Pandji said. That if I use my vote on election day only for free latte at Starbucks, or a buy-one-get-one shoes at The Little She Needs, or even worse if I don't care at all, I might lose my liberty to access anything I passionate about. 

Now I know what my dad means by "too political". It's just the other way to say, "Follow the stream, just don't sink into it."

But it's only 1 year of me surrounded by the environment with this issue. I'm amazed by what my friends did to spread the political awareness to the society, they did that with passion, hoping that clueless kids like me and many other kids will be awake. I know that's not my things, so I write this to you.

Gogirl! RI Issue / Indonesia Tanpa Korupsi
Add this snap so you can imagine this nation's better future too

First thing to do soon, start to give a damn. You'd be awaken.

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